Page name: Insanity Cult! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-04-23 22:31:53
Last author: Lex
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[I]n[S]a[N]i[T]y [C]u[L]t[!]



.::[W]h[a]t [W]e [A]r[e]::.


* We may pick you individually and randomly for some slight testing. Do NOT be alarmed! It is harmless.
* No numbers to the rules therefore no order!
* No one who is SANE may speak/associate/or collaborate with this association.(UNLESS thou wants to become a member of the organization of the Insanity Cult!.)
* We will accept who you are no matter how strange or different or psychotic or unknown you are!

.::[I]n[s]a[n]i[t]y [C]u[l]t[']s [F]r[e]a[k]s[h]o[w]::.

**Dont forget to join it! This is our newest part of the wiki. Made by none other than our great [Mr. Oogie Boogie]. Thank you Jack ^^. This page is a Freakshow. Litterally. Of our very own members during their insane lifes.**

Insanity cult freaks!

Join it NOW!

.::[I]n[S]a[N]e [B]a[N]n[E]r[S]::.

[shadows of life]
[Mr. Oogie Boogie]

.::[I]n[S]a[N]e [Q]u[O]t[E]s::.

Cry me a river build me a bridge do us all a favor and jump off of it.
A northern fairy tale starts out "once upon a time.."
A southern fairy tale starts out "y'all ain't gon' believe this shit!"
Murphy's Law of Combat:
"Never forget that your weapon was manufactured by the lowest bidder"
SEXY; its not what you wear. its how you take it off
Do you know why there are so many blonde jokes?
Because the brunettes have nothing better
to do while all the blondes are out on dates. 

Even if the voices are not real, they have some good ideas.
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory
I been turning fellas heads since I first started walking
but you just been giving fellas headaches since you first started talking.
The world would have been a lot better if you had just been a stain

Specify that your drive-thru order is to go, it confuses people
I had plenty of pimples as a kid. One day I fell asleep in the library.
When I woke up, a blind man was reading my face.

My imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems
When I have a kid, I want to put him in one of those strollers
for twins and then run around the mall looking frantic.

I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman
who'd be mad at me for saying that
I know a lot about cars. I can look at a car's headlights
and tell you exactly which way it's coming.
An escalator can never break. It can only become stairs.
You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign,
just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience."

The only reason Santa is so jolly is because
he knows where all the bad girls live.

Arguing over the internet is like the Special Olympics:
even if you do win, you're still retarded.
Don't spend $2 to dry clean a shirt. donate it to the salvation army instead. They'll clean it & put it on a hanger, Next morning buy it back for 75 cents!
I respect vegetarians and their decisions,
but my thinking is ~ I'm on top of the food chain here,
so if I can get it, I can eat it.
if a cow figures out how to kill me and eat me, more power to him!
Cancel My Subscription, cuz I'm sick of your issues!!
Sex is like spades. If you don't have a good partner u better have a good hand!
The best thing about Alzheimer’s is:
You can hide your own Easter eggs
Birdie, birdie, in the sky, why'd you do that in my eye?
Looks like sugar, tastes like sap. OMG! IT'S BIRDIE CRAP
When they put unknown at the end of a quote,
that means they probably don't no how to spell anonymous
I'm a babe magnet... just the wrong end
Dumb is just not knowing... Ditzy is having the courage to ask

Don't get high on life: cereal hurts when it gets stuck up your nose
If you could read my'd be the 2nd smartest person on earth
I have a hobby. I have the world's largest collection of seashells. I keep it scattered on beaches all over the world. Maybe you've seen some of it.

My girlfriend's weird. One day she asked me,
"If you could know how and when you were going to die,
would you want to know?" I said, "No." She said, "Okay, forget it."

I went for a walk last night and she asked me how
long I was going to be gone. I said, "The whole time."
I got stopped by a cop the other day.
He said, "Why'd you run that stop sign?"
I said, "Because I don't believe everything I read."
When I die, I want to go like my grandfather did, peacefully in his sleep.
Not yelling and screaming like all the passengers in his car.
If you're robbing a bank and you're pants fall down, I think it's okay to laugh and to let the hostages laugh too, because, come on, life is funny

After a year in therapy, my psychiatrist said to me,
'Maybe life isn't for everyone.'

Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot,
and anyone going faster than you is a maniac

I'm not into working out. My philosophy: No pain, no pain

I am not a vegetarian because I love animals;
I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.

Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again.
-= Marin County newspaper's TV listing for "The Wizard of Oz" =-

Join the army, meet interesting people, kill them.

Evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening',
and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.

I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours.
It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world
everyday always just exactly fits the newspaper.

You're slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter

'I have always been insane with long intervals of horrible sanity' -Edgar Allan Poe

can't sleep clown will eat me

.::[I]n[S]a[N]e [M]u[C]h[?]!::.



.::i[M]p[O]r[T]a[N]t [I]n[F]o[R]m[A]t[I]o[N]::.
The cult ritual dance is a lot of jumping and clapping!
We also have Insanity Cult Olympics. (Still deciding dates).
If you have any questions feel free to ask Alex, Ben, or Mat.
If you would like to add images please inform one of us and We will take care of it.
ALSO! We will take in any suggestions to make this a better more awesome wiki than it already is going to be.
We will take all that we can get.
If you wana join inform one of us and we will add you!
Thank You!
-The Insane Cult Leaders-
[Lex]     &&     [Spoonmad]


[I be THE MAT!] -Co Owner-


[Mr. Oogie Boogie] - Co Owner of Insanity cult freaks!


.::o[U]r [R]e[C]r[U]i[T]e[R]s::.

[Lex] -Owner #1- Insanity cult WILL rule all!!!
[Spoonmad] -Owner #2-
[I be THE MAT!] - Co owner [cuz he has a glorious talent of running in circles on the floor and screaming panda] - I was once alone and lost and couldnt find anyone insane enough.......but thnaks to this i can reveal my true self BPLBPLBPLBPLBPLBPLBPLB
[Mr. Oogie Boogie] - Co owner of Insanity cult Freaks! - [Lex] Awesome Pimp! =]
[shadows of life]
[The Incredible Bulk] - Ah..finally a place i can be myself
[Leaving Forever]
[Supernova.] -streaks-
[DRACE] - raging ball of blue furr

.::m[E]e[T] t[H]e [M]a[S]c[O]t[!]::.
Simon the Ki'y!!!


*Hisss Hisss - Mewwww*

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2007-12-31 [Empty~Soul]: -runs faster-

2007-12-31 [shadows of life]: *runs faster*

2007-12-31 [Empty~Soul]: alex! ASEX! HELP!!!

2007-12-31 [shadows of life]: *appears in front of kiki*

2007-12-31 [Supernova.]: *roffle attack* "ASEX" XDDDD

2007-12-31 [Empty~Soul]: -stops-

2007-12-31 [Lex]: *cracks up laughing* hahaha!!!! i <3 that new name... im asex!!! hah... a sex what...? GOD hah jk jk! teehee i made a funny... *watches kiki and shadows run around*

2007-12-31 [shadows of life]: *pokes kiki nose the appears next to alex* hi

2007-12-31 [Empty~Soul]: -runs to alex and hides-

2007-12-31 [Lex]: *squeals* Hah! hehe.. Hi!

2007-12-31 [Lex]: Why me!??!!! haha.

2007-12-31 [shadows of life]: hey asex cause your cool

2007-12-31 [Supernova.]: It's cool, typos are life, just when it's "asex" you must laugh xD

2007-12-31 [Empty~Soul]: -hides-

2007-12-31 [shadows of life]: *pokes kiki*

2007-12-31 [Empty~Soul]: -squeeks-

2007-12-31 [shadows of life]: hehe

2007-12-31 [Supernova.]: *lets Sim'n roam his landz*

2007-12-31 [Lex]: *smiles* Otay i guess im cooooool.... *dances to music in my head*

2007-12-31 [shadows of life]: *dances to my music* WOO

2007-12-31 [Lex]: Haha.. wooooooww

2007-12-31 [shadows of life]: hehehe

2007-12-31 [Lex]: dance too the music... dance to the music..
all we need is a drummer...
for people who only need a beat
oh im gona...(somethin)
I said ride sunny RIDEEEE
dance to the music....

*doesnt know much of the lyrics* ~.~ heh

2008-01-01 [I be THE MAT!]: 0_0 I dont wanna know xD

Anyways Happy New Year everyone

2008-01-01 [Lex]: haha....

2008-01-01 [shadows of life]: MAWAHAHAHA

2008-01-01 [I be THE MAT!]: ^_^, i hope this year will be fun ish :P

2008-01-01 [shadows of life]: me too

2008-01-01 [Lex]: so do i... *sigh* im moving out in like 2 months....

2008-01-01 [shadows of life]: you are?

2008-01-01 [Lex]: yeah..... either only 30mins away or... to idaho... or oregon i duno yet.

2008-01-01 [I be THE MAT!]: Ooooooo have fun ^^

2008-01-01 [shadows of life]: oh

2008-01-01 [Lex]: .... .... yeahh i dont know.... i cant tell if im excited or not.

2008-01-01 [I be THE MAT!]: *hugs* well hope you get comfortable in the area you are moving to

2008-01-01 [Lex]: yeahhhhhhh i doooont know.

2008-01-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: I've never moved house..Must be wierd.

2008-01-02 [I be THE MAT!]: Ive moved house before, i used to live in central halifax, then i moved out to Kershaw

2008-01-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: Whats it like?..

2008-01-03 [Lex]: .... ive never lived on my own.. but ive moved......... over 12 times in my life... with my fam.

2008-01-03 [I be THE MAT!]: Its kinda bad, depends if you have gotten to know the lovcals :P

2008-01-04 [Lex]: lol.. yeahhh... true.. and i have been here for 8 years... 2 years was the record lol

2008-01-06 [Empty~Soul]: o.o?

2008-01-06 [Lex]: lol... yeaah

2008-01-06 [shadows of life]: yup

2008-01-06 [I be THE MAT!]: *levitates in on a flying nibus cloud* watch cha all doing?

2008-01-06 [shadows of life]: art

2008-01-06 [I be THE MAT!]: *floats over to shadows* Oooooo what kind? ^_^

2008-01-06 [shadows of life]: comp art, right now coloring something

2008-01-06 [I be THE MAT!]: Ooooooooo, I dont do art :P really carp at it ^_^

2008-01-06 [shadows of life]: you should see some of mine shadows random art is just some of it

2008-01-06 [I be THE MAT!]: 0_0 holy moly thats amazing *shakes hand*

2008-01-06 [shadows of life]: they not that good

2008-01-06 [I be THE MAT!]: *looks at you* better then anything i can ever do, there fore its amazing ^^

2008-01-06 [shadows of life]: i have more Shadows edited pics

2008-01-06 [I be THE MAT!]: Wow, what software do you use?

2008-01-06 [shadows of life]: the Gimp

2008-01-06 [I be THE MAT!]: O.o unusaul name to call a software

2008-01-06 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: he was refering to you

2008-01-06 [shadows of life]: yes i know that it awesome, it like a free photoshop but better it what i thing

2008-01-06 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: that confused me xD

2008-01-06 [shadows of life]: woot

2008-01-07 [Lex]: lol... ummm wow..... dun dun dunnnn... haha... aww v.v grr... i slept in... AGAIN... sorry mat!and thanks My pimp for informing him! <3333 haha... even tho... >.> i didnt get to talk.. *sigh*

2008-01-07 [shadows of life]: aww

2008-01-07 [Lex]: yeah its sadnes... v.v i slept in 2 or 3 times this week... by 2 hours... im angry at myself.... *sits and covers face*

2008-01-07 [shadows of life]: don't be mad

2008-01-07 [Lex]: i am tho! -_- frikin alarm clock didnt even wake me up.. i only wanted to sleep for 3 hours... from 9-12.... and i ended up waking up around 5pm... GAH!!!! i should sleep at night huh? v.v

2008-01-07 [shadows of life]: yes you should if you can

2008-01-07 [Lex]: i try.... -_- im going to bed right after i eat... at like 6:30. so i can wake up early tomorrow and not miss him again... i feel horrible..... grrrrrrrrrrr

2008-01-07 [shadows of life]: sorry about that alex

2008-01-07 [Empty~Soul]: LALALA!!!!

2008-01-07 [Lex]: fkin retarded ass people... read my diary... tryin to make me look like a skanky hoe!

2008-01-07 [Empty~Soul]: wtf????

2008-01-07 [Lex]: .... not you guys.... some dumbass hoe`

2008-01-07 [DRACE]: O.o eh...

2008-01-07 [Lex]: you wana jooiiinnnnnnnnnn neil!?

2008-01-07 [DRACE]: *nods*

and to the others, Ging was meaning the bitch on this wiki kissing girls

2008-01-07 [Lex]: What you want it to say next to your name

2008-01-07 [DRACE]: meh I think i said it on msn to ya already ;_;

*bites you and runs away*

2008-01-07 [Lex]: *screams and laughs* I got bit! *turns into a rabbid penguin*

2008-01-07 [DRACE]: O.O *squeals, morphs into his blue wolfpup form, puts on a ninja suit and takles you growling*

2008-01-07 [Empty~Soul]: omg drace you nuts

2008-01-07 [Lex]: *hisses at you and slaps you with my penguin arm then bites your nose with my beak*

2008-01-07 [DRACE]: *narrows his eyes and growls... then has his wicked way with Ging the penguin* mwahaha

2008-01-07 [Supernova.]: Oh my word. Bestiality. I saw it.

2008-01-07 [I be THE MAT!]: *floats in on a Nimbus cloud* Howdy all ^^

2008-01-07 [Supernova.]: Maaattttt.....did you see the beastiality? I saw it :O

2008-01-07 [I be THE MAT!]: *floats to you* It would help if i knew what that means teehee

2008-01-07 [The Incredible Bulk]: sex with animals.

2008-01-07 [I be THE MAT!]: Ewwwwwww, Ive seen it before with some cows in the field

2008-01-07 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: oh my god.. its dracey ^^

2008-01-08 [Lex]: EWWW!! i didnt !!! noo!! i didnt!!! gah!!! *pecks his eyes out*

2008-01-08 [Empty~Soul]: >_< i saw to much

2008-01-08 [Lex]: noo!! i didnt!! *runs away and hides behind matty* i didnt do it!!!! never!!! *giggles* hes blind now!! mwwahaha!

2008-01-08 [Supernova.]: *trows a blade 'o grass at Mat* You, tis a HUMAN having sexy time with the animeaux.

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: Hey im blond :P

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: me too ^^

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: Yeah but not naturally :P

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: shut up D: *comforts my hair* he didnt mean it

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: hehehehehehe *pats jacks head* oh but i did ^^

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *the hair bites matts hand*

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: ARGH! Thats it *breaks free*

KA - MEA - HEA - MEA - HA!!!

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: i wont even dignify that xD

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: ^_^ playing dragon ball ^_^ *loop de loops on flying nimbus* and im winning ^^

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *floats into the air.. and holds my hands up.. calling energy*..

thats right bitch

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: Oh? hehehe *stays put on ground and extends arms out*

Prepare to see your final flash :)

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *stops calling energy then teleports away.. suddenly a energy disk comes flying at you*

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: Oh shit....*dodges but gets cut slightly by it* Ow! you bitch!

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *A load of small Ki blasts come firing at you*

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: Shit shit shit! *gaurds and doesnt get hazed by them* Argh take this! TRI BEAM!

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: O_O...balls....*flies up into the air to avoid*

(which is the Tri beam again? xD)

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: Tiens apecial move, yknow he uts his hands in a trinagle and shouts TRI BEAM

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: thought so

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: By the way *teleports behind you* Im here ^_^

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *turns super saiyan and turns around.. looking straight into your eyes*.. why so you are... *cracks my knuckles*

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: *sneers* Hmph, Super saiyen huh? Well what do you know HHHHHYAAAAAAHHHH! *super saiyenises* So am I *gets in fighting stance*

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: saiyenises? whas that xD

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: Oh you will see *Holds hands together and sumons a dark energy ball* See this little thing here, this ill send you to your new home :)

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: is my new home pretty? :D

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: Hmmmm, yeah actually! its where vegeta lives

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: where does he live? i thought he lived on earth with the rest of us..

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: Hmmmmmm depends what era we are in, if GT then earth

If Z then hes in hell :P

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: hmmmm... hell sounds tempting.. will i get cookies?

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: Chilli cookies yes ^_^

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: hmm... not the best.. what about.. chicken?

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: Chicken cookies? nah there in swahili

2008-01-08 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: no.. i didnt mean chicken cookies. i just meant chicken

2008-01-08 [I be THE MAT!]: Hmmmmm i dunno

2008-01-09 [Lex]: 0.0 *blinks*......... men...*shakes head laughing*

2008-01-09 [I be THE MAT!]: ^_^ ya love us really hahaha

2008-01-09 [Lex]: hahaha.... mmmm.. i do! *pounces on you*

2008-01-09 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *avoids the pounce*.. no thank you

2008-01-09 [Lex]: not you, MATTY!!! *hugs him tightly and sigs*

2008-01-09 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: and now i dont feel loved xD

2008-01-09 [Lex]: haha fine fine.. *walks up to you and smiles*

2008-01-09 [DRACE]: *watchs everyone move about, from under a couch* don't ask me how a big fat guy can fit under a couch... I just can *nods*

2008-01-09 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *takes everyone and sits on the couch*

2008-01-09 [Lex]: *giggles* weee!! were sitting on neil!!! haha! *huggles jack* you feel loved now?

2008-01-09 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ...yes... and i refues to call him neil.. to me he is dracey :D

2008-01-09 [Lex]: *nods* to you yes.. not to meh! *bounces up and down on couch* hmmmm theres a lump in it...

2008-01-09 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: its just a lump in the seat.. it will flatten out if you keep bouncing dear

2008-01-09 [Lex]: *giggles and stands up and jumps on it* well hopefully it does!

2008-01-09 [DRACE]: *squeaks with each bounce and says, 'thats no lump, thats my noggin and it really don't need to be pushed any closer to my' he stops mid-sentence*

well I'm off to beddiebyes, sooo night night ya'll, take care and all that jizz

2008-01-09 [Lex]: *screams and jumps in jacks arms* ewwwww!!!!! *covers face*

2008-01-09 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: it squeeks with each bounce? *starts bouncing with alex*

2008-01-09 [Lex]: *giggles* SQUEEKY TOY!!! but thats a nasty squeeky.. he jizzed.... *looks sick*

2008-01-09 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: he didnt ACTUALLY jizz.. i hope..

2008-01-09 [Lex]: *squints* i dont wana find out.. >.>

2008-01-09 [I be THE MAT!]: *flies in on NEW nimbus cloud jumps off* ALEX ^^ *pounces you and hugles* ^_^

2008-01-10 [Lex]: *squeels and huggles back* MATTY!!!! I MISSEDEDEDED YOU!!!

2008-01-10 [I be THE MAT!]: ^_^ I missed you too *jumps back on nimbus*

2008-01-10 [Lex]: *GASP* youre on!!! o.o oooo!! *runs off and comes back on your OLD nimbus cloud* teehee!

2008-01-10 [I be THE MAT!]: ^_^ hehehe yup forgot you can ride the nimbus ^_^

2008-01-10 [Lex]: i did! hehe. but now i got it! *pets it gently* i love it! *lays down and cuddles it*

2008-01-10 [I be THE MAT!]: *floats around doing little loop de loops* Yup everyone had to love the nimbus cloud, its coolio

2008-01-10 [Lex]: i dont know if anyone else has one... well... by the looks of it... an *sniffs* this one smells like matty... haha

2008-01-10 [I be THE MAT!]: :P Just get abit of fabreeze on will clear it right off ^_^

2008-01-10 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: no thats just matt.. he has a strong scent

2008-01-10 [Lex]: I like mats smell lol. SOO =P! hehe

2008-01-10 [I be THE MAT!]: Yup, i smell prettiful teehee

2008-01-10 [Lex]: *jumps off mine and pouncing on you* mwhahaha!! hi mat. *looks down at you*

2008-01-10 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *sighs* completely mad..

2008-01-10 [I be THE MAT!]: *looks up* Hey alex ^_^ sharing the same cloud today huh *giggles*

2008-01-10 [Lex]: *nods* yus! *giggles back* im not MAD hehehehe. *lays on matty*

2008-01-10 [I be THE MAT!]: Hey jack can you ride the nimbus cloud? *hugs alex*

2008-01-10 [Lex]: *grins* yeah jack can you *snuggles mat* youre warm oooo!! i love this jacket

2008-01-10 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: id rather not find out

2008-01-10 [I be THE MAT!]: -_- My jacket still :P, Oh crap i gotta go to next lesson, hope internet works :P

2008-01-10 [Lex]: why whats wrong with the jacket?! 0.0 i love the jacket..... haha.

2008-01-10 [I be THE MAT!]: Just so you can snuggle to me more teehee

2008-01-10 [Lex]: hehehe. *snuggles more* shh! im consentrating!

2008-01-10 [I be THE MAT!]: What on hehehe?

2008-01-11 [Lex]: lol. hehehe? haha... nice question lol. ummm i WAS consentrating on how happy i was lol. i froze the moment so SHHHH!!! *stays there and hums quietly*

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *sighs* you know its a good thing you to own this wiki.. because it really suits you xD

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: ^_^ It suits you too yknow? *flies around on nimbus*

2008-01-11 [Lex]: hahaha it does? >.> i woulda never guessed.... o.o hahaha!

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: thats because it doesnt... i dont lower my sanity levels to those of-... OOHHHH MYYYY GODDDD *chases a cow*

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: O.o i am not gonna ask. *chases cow with jack on nimbus cloud* But i shall join ^^

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *Blinks* liar.... o.o *looks down and sees a catapillar* OOO!!! *gets down and stares at it*

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *stands on the caterpillar by accident while chasing the cow.. doesnt realise and continues running*

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: *jumps off cloud and gets a bible* We are all gathered here today to hope and see this caterpiller, Gerald into heaven. Rest in peace, *buries caterpillar* and now............COW!!!

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *gasps* buh..... buh... buh... *pokes it* You killed my caterpillar! you hoe!!! *gets up and chases after jack and mat*

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: Hoe? Hes your pimp! hahaha *ctahes up to jackko* Hey Jack ^^

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *glares* Dont contradict me!!! *runs faster and pounces on jacks back*

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *squeels at alex now on my back.. then jumps on matts back*

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *screams* YOU KILLED MY CATERPILLAR!!! *yanks you off of mat and pins jack to the ground* HAH!

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: *cheers at alex* Wooot you got him :P

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *grins* I sure did! and hes gona pay! i might be your whore! but you dont EVER kill my caterpillar!

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *morphs into a dragon... raising high off the ground in size.. then looks down at alex... breathes smoke at her with a short huff*

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *squeels and backs up* ssoorrrryy.. *curls up and cries* dont hurt meeee

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: How dare you! *pulls out a glowing sword* You Shall Pay!

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *holds self blubbering and crawls behind mat*

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: back off.. HE-matt xD

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: Die in hell Demon HHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! *charges*

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *peaks from behind mats legs and looks up* im sorryyyyy

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: *jumps in air* SHINING BLADE ATTCK! *blade glows silver*

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *yawns and kicks matt.. sending him flying*

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *gasps and grabs face quickly scurrying over to where he fell* are you.. ok?

*looks over at jackk* heh... i uhhhmm... i...

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: *Gets up and rubs face* Heh not bad. Now fera the wrath of Mathew Abernethy!!! *yells and rips skin off turning into a warewolf* AAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: you spelt werewolf wrong...

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